It is anhonour and privilege for me personally, to be associated with Daya Charitable Trust Peringotukurrisi. They have been involved in numerou..
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It is anhonour and privilege for me personally, to be associated with Daya Charitable Trust Peringotukurrisi. They have been involved in numerous charitable projects in our district. I congratulate and commend them for their noble work, exceptional dedication and support extended to the needy people.
Daya has been active for the past several years, on a regular basis, in arranging monthly food-kit distribution to HIV patients and other bed-ridden people, besides raising funds and material grants for medical treatment of cancer patients and those awaiting kidney donation. Recently, many young students and children from poor families have benefited from Daya's benevolence as part of the Vidyodaya initiative.
This is philanthropy at its best, where the poorest of the poor are getting much needed attention, love, kindness, financial and material support from their fellow members of the society.
This year has been particularly gloomy for all of us due to the Covid pandemic. Under these difficult circumstances, the commendable initiatives undertaken by the Daya team in arranging mass distribution of Onam kits and organising other fund raising activities for destitute people, are all the more welcome. It has brought relief and cheer to hundreds of needy families.
I compliment and convey my deep appreciation and thanks to Sri E.B.Ramesh, Smt. Deepa Teacher, and all the hard working team-members of Daya Charitable Trust, for having made this possible through their selfless attitude, dedication and passion.
I extend my heartiest greetings to Daya and extend my full support to their efforts to continue pursuing their selfless and noble work in the coming months and years.
Good luck and may God be with you always.
Thank you,